Mr. Godfrey Etikerentse
Board Member
![Mr Godfrey Etikerentse](/assets/images/board/Mr.-Godfrey-Etikerentse2.jpg)
Mr. Godfrey Etikerentse is a 1964 Honours, Bachelor of Law Graduate of the University of London and was called to the British bar in June of the same year as a member of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, London. He was enrolled as a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in early May 1965. He joined Gulf Oil Company Nigeria Ltd (Predecessor of Chevron Nigeria Ltd) in April 1966 and was posted to the Houston and Pittsburg U.S.A offices of Gulf Oil Corporation in 1980 for two years. Mr. Etikerentse was appointed Chevron’s General Counsel and Company Secretary in January 1983. I June 1988, he became the first Nigerian executive director of Chevron and was later appointed a director of two other Chevron subsidiaries in the country. He functioned as General Counsel of Chevron until retirement from the company on December 31st, 1995 but remained on the Board of Chevron Companies until June 1999.
Mr. Etikerentse is an alumnus of the Academy of American and International Law at the International and Comparative Law Centre, Southwestern Legal Foundation, Dallas, Texas, USA. He is also the author of the very first book- Nigerian Petroleum Law touching on the Law and Practice of the Nigerian Petroleum Industry. Thi foremost and comprehensive work on the subject was published in 1985 by Macmillan U.K. The book’s second edition (also written by him) was presented to the public on 9th November 2004. There was a reprint of it in 2005.
Mr. Etikerentse was appointed in 1994 by the New York-based African- American Institute as one of the international observers to monitor South Africa’s first all-race elections. He has been in private legal practice in Lagos since his retirement from Chevron. Mr. Etikerente was invited to the Board of Brittania-U in 2008.