CSR & Community Development

Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) philosophy is founded on the principle that “individually, we are one drop but together we are an ocean”.

Brittania-U believes in investing in the livelihood, prosperity, and stability of the communities in which we operate. As a home grown indigenous integrated Oil & Gas Company, we understand our host communities better and are more responsive to their needs, aspirations and expectations than our peers.

Sharing financially

Since 2009, Brittania-U’s has been pursuing a policy of significant financial assistance to the Ogulagha Community. Projects being funded include education, youth empowerment for jobs, vocational training in welding, marine diving, forklift operation, small/medium enterprise (SMEs) development, and a housing scheme for the elderly.

Children Laughing and Playing

Education and Skills Training

From the beginning, Brittania-U has implemented robust policies for the betterment of its host communities. These include the cost of providing basic needs, scholarships, vocational skills training for the youths, and small business initiatives for women in the communities.

Semi skilled welder practicing his craft - Brittania-U

Oilfield skills training

Brittania-U Oil Field Trainnee
Our company achieved another first when in 2009 we became the first indigenous E&P company to organize and fund the extensive up-skilling training of five workers from the local community as mariners.

The training lasted five (5) months and took place in Houma, Louisiana –USA. These mariners were among the marine crew who brought our FPSO “M.V. Brittania-U I” from Houma, Louisiana to Nigeria. Since that initial training, our company has trained over 25 certified marine engineers from our host communities. Today, Brittania-U employs more than 20 community residents as full-time staff, and over nine others as contract staff.

Job Creation

Fishermen in the deep seas, fishing

Brittania-U has further trained artisans from the community that have gained employment with other companies or operate as subcontractors to Brittania-U. During the 1st and 2nd drilling phases of our Ajapa field development project, workers from Ogulagha community were given casual employment by the drilling company and the contractors. Apart from these employments, the community in collaboration also, provides us with services of various kinds – such as independent contractors, vendors, suppliers and more. Brittania-U also sponsored non-oil skilled based trainings (basic fish faming) for indigenes from each of the seven Ogulagha villages in the fish-farming business.

Long-term community projects

In the past few years, we have created, developed and nurtured a burgeoning relationship with our host communities. We plan to carry out a number of projects in order to cement that relationship which we have built. Some of these developmental projects include:
  • Building well-equipped primary and secondary schools with modern facilities. Educating a people is to empower them to improve their livelihood and alleviate poverty there.
  • Provide well-built homes for the elderly in the community. Our target is to build 120 housing units within a 10-year.